Norman Rotary starts another year of serving pancakes to Norman High School students. We serve pancakes on the second Wednesday of every month to the students.
Congratulations to our Norman Rotary Students of the Year! Claire Hopper, Mallory Osborn, and Kiah Stuart each earned the Norman Rotary Scholarship!
Claire Hopper will graduate from Norman High School and study social education in college. Mallory Osborn attends Norman North High School and plans to study health sciences while playing college soccer. After graduating from Dimensions, Kiah Stuart will pursue an elementary education degree.
(Pictured: Rick McKinney sharing the news with the ladies.)
All 4 Rotary clubs in Norman along with the newly formed Newcastle club gathered at The Standard for some fellowship and beverages. We were also joined by Evan Burrell who has travelled from Australia to be the keynote speaker at Saturday's District Conference.
Rotary helps with the Stuff the Bus service project to provide backpacks and school supplies to nearly 1,000 students. Rotary Youth Exchange has Norman's own Carys Crawford with Anna Dal Corso from San Dona' Di Piave, Italy, where the two are exchange students during the summer in each other's countries. Anna presented a Rotary flag from her hometown club to President Steve Morren. Rotarians are people of action. Keep up the good work Rotary!
On Saturday, April 23rd, all four Rotary clubs of Norman joined together to have a food drive benefiting the Salvation Army, Food & Shelter, Pantry Partners, and Aging Services. More than 2880 individual food items were donated. Rotarians are people of action. Great job to everyone!
The second Wednesday of the month, 10 Norman Rotarians cooked and served over 600 pancakes to Norman High students. Rotarians are people of action. It is our pleasure to serve our youth as they get ready to learn!
February 24-28, over 800 Rotarians gathered at the Hyatt Regency in the DFW Airport for the annual President Elect Training Seminar (PETS). District Governor Elects (DGEs), President Elects (PEs), President Nominees (PNs), and Assistant Governors (AGs) all received training from experienced facilitators on what to expect and how to prepare for next year.
District 5770 (our district) was well represented with DGE Conni Eckstein (Sooner Rotary) leading the way. DG David Shirley (Sooner Rotary) also serves as the Executive Director of PETS and did a fantastic job coordinating the entire conference. District 5770 is 1 of 10 districts in attendance as this is Lone Star PETS which is mostly districts from Texas.
Rotarians also received a special guest as the incoming Rotary International President Jennifer Jones (from Canada) spoke to the group. She is the first female RI President.
The Norman Rotary Club kicked off its spouse membership program at a recent Sweetheart club meeting in honor of Valentine's day. Our own Rob Andrew's wife Pam is our first spouse member. She already was like a member but now it's official!
Fun field trip to The Well to see the new facility and hear about their programs. Dr. Angela Schmidt shared wellness tips and Tara Dougles, director of community engagement, shared about all the great programs and classes citizens of Cleveland County can take advantage of at little or no cost. In the Spring, it will feature the farmer's market. We enjoyed having our lunch meeting at this facility and will be back!
The Norman Rotary Club celebrated becoming a "two-comma club" by hitting the $1 Million mark in donations to the Rotary Internation Foundation, placing it in the top 1% of the Rotary clubs around the world with this accomplishment. The foundation has spent more than $4 Billion on life-changing sustainable projects world-wide and foundation donations from the club help locally to support the Norman community. The mission of the foundation is to help Rotarians advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving the environment and alleviating poverty. Areas of focus include education, disease, clean water, growing local economies and helping mothers and children.
Annual Rotary Road Rally and Beats, Bites and Brews Festival was held at Little River Marina at Lake Thunderbird Saturday, October 23rd. Thank you to all who rode, attended and sponsored!
The Norman Rotary Club sponsors the annual Coach's Luncheon for the Citizens Advisory Board. Rotarians at our tables and across the room enjoy getting the scoop on the OU football season and helping raise funds for foster kids and their families in Cleveland County. Boomer!
Norman North and Norman High Interact students Aubrey Jane Baker, Easton Fowler, and Carys Crawford came to our club today to collect donations for Stuff the Bus! They believe every child deserves new school supplies! The goal is to collect enough to help more than 800 students in Norman, Noble, Little Axe, Lexington and Robin Hill Schools. To learn more or how to donate visit
Representatives from all four Norman Rotary Clubs presented a big check to the Virtue Center from 2020 and 2021 Le Tour De Vin sponsorships and donations. Teresa Collado who serves as the Norman Rotary Club President and the Executive Director of the Virtue Center, accepted the check along with fellow club member and past president Kyle Hurley. Thank you to all who helped support their capital campaign to improve the building and the lives of those needing help.
Congratulations to the Norman Rotary Club's Students of the Year! These students are seniors at Norman High, Norman North and Dimensions high schools and will receive a scholarship from our club to further their education. Thank you students for being awesome citizens and students and for joining us all month for our lunch meetings. We have enjoyed having you and getting to know you! The SOTY program is as part of our Student of the Month Program recognizing excellence in academics, character and service. Go forth and prosper young leaders!
Our club decided to donate our lunch funds to "Casserole it Forward" with Social Butterfly Catering to feed Norman Regional Hospital frontline workers. Just a small token to let you know we appreciate you! Thanks for the appreciation and thumbs up!
Decked out in their holiday attire, David Hopper and Bruce Ingram spend the day with other Norman Rotary Club members ringing the bell for Salvation Army
To recognize World Polio Day on October 24th, our Rotary club will hear from Aziz Memon, the chairman of the National Polio Plus Committee in Pakistan. Join us Thursday via zoom to catch this opportunity!
After our regular club meeting on zoom, Norman Rotary Club members helped organize and restock the pantry for Bridges, who's mission is to empower high school students in family crisis to pursue education without obstacles. So glad to help a great organization that helps great students!
Karena Crawford boldly takes on the pantry organizing.
Thank you Rotarians for taking extra time out of your day to help!
When not at the Norman Regional Foundation, Erin Barnhart flexes her Rotary muscle by digging in to help others through Rotary service.
Fellow Rotarian and NRH Foundation Executive Director, Erin Barnhart shares with the club about painting the town and our club pink for breast cancer awareness month.
During the meeting Rotarians wrote "thank you" notes to encourage those on the front lines at the hospital taking care of COVID patients and their families.
He founded Norman Rotary Club's Cycle for Success, now Craig Heaton is starting a mentoring partnership with our Rotary club and Dimensions Academy. Thanks Craig for sharing your passion and heart for education and youth!
We honor and will miss these three distinguished men who truly lived Rotary's motto, "Service Above Self"! Thank you for giving and leaving your legacy for Norman and Rotary!
Thank you Norman NEXT Chair, Shavonne Evans, for joining us at Rotary Park and sharing about the actions young professionals are doing to make Norman a better place to live, play and work!
Norman NEXT Chair Updates us on Young Professionals
Thanks to a Rotary District 5770 grant and smaller matching gift from our Rotary club, the Norman Regional Foundation was able to purchase hundreds of pulse oximeters for patients recovering at home. These help patients and doctors safely monitor the blood oxygen level of patients.
Let's hear it for Tyler McManaman for helping label the boxes with the Rotary logo while donning a smile under his mask.
Bruce Ingram takes a break from lunch to check out the pulse oximeters knowing they will help the health and peace of mind of a lot of people.
Club Past President 2017-2018 Craig Heaton and President-Elect Teresa Collado enjoy doing this service project with their fellow Rotarians.
Past President 2018- 2019, James Chappel, and Past President and Past District Governor, Mary Sherman, help get this small labor of love done.
Rotary District Grant and Club Donation Helps Patients Recovering from COVID-19
Kyle Hurley gets inducted as President by club member and past Rotary International President, Ron Burton. Our club is looking forward to having President Hurley!
Hurley presented outgoing president, Jill Hazeldine, with a gavel and plaque to commemorate and thank her for her leadership!
President Hazeldine gives highlights about the year with a slide show of all the accomplishments, service projects, events and fun we had starting in July 2019. In this pandemic, our club pulled together to donate to United Way, Food and Shelter Inc., and Norman Regional Foundation to help those impacted most by this crisis. Donated funds helped provide food, rent and pulse oximeters for COVID-19 patients who are recovering at home to monitor their blood oxygen levels. We also held a food drive for Pantry Partners, who provides food to Norman Public School students and their families. Great job Rotarians!
President Hazeldine recognizes board and committee members and commends them for their work during her presidential year. These ladies were gifted with a Rotary notebook with a "When Rotary Accepted Women" poem by our own club member, Robert L. Lynn, PhD. She also presented to other leaders a notebook and poems by Dr. Lynn, "One by One, Hour by Hour" and "Someone" which she feels captures the essence of their service to our club and community.
A special presentation was made to Jaci Williams for the "Ron Burton Leadership Award" for her years of service for the Rotary's Youth Exchange program, she has helped over 150 students from across the world be a part of this program to attend their senior year of high school abroad! Past Rotary International President and Norman Rotary Club member, Ron Burton, and District Governor Hal Pennington, Duncan Rotary Club member, attended to present the award. Thank you Jaci for all you do for our club, our community, Rotary, and for youth exchange!
Jud Foster with the City of Norman gave the club updates on the improvements at Rotary Park and the Norman Forward projects around town.
The club presented a check to Jud on behalf of our club to help support the improvements and upkeep of the park.
Fascinating discussion of the Constitution with OU Law Professor, Rick Tepker. He has a wealth of knowledge about history, our constitution, and the law, and shared his insight and answered many questions for our club members. Thank you for joining us Dr. Tepker!
The Norman Rotary Club heard from our club member, Daren Wilson of the United Way of Norman, and Sooner Club member, April Heiple of Food and Shelter on how our gift helped families who have been directly impacted by this crisis with food, rent, mortgage and utility assistance so they can stay in their home. We are happy to serve and proud of these organizations for stepping up and finding a way to help!
Fascinating presentation by former Rotary Youth Exchange Student to Italy, Carlee Wright. Her work with refugees from North Korea, now in South Korea, was through the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship program at OU and was truly remarkable insight! It is an honor to have you back at our club and as an exchange student and ambassador for Rotary and our country!
Thank you to Moore Police Chief Todd Gibson and Adrienne Elder for sharing how bringing Handle with Care to our state is helping children who have experienced trauma. This is a great partnership between law enforcement, first responders and our schools. Our Rotary club member, Dr. Nick Migliorino, NPS Superintendent, shared how Cleveland County was the second county in the state to initiate and implement the program.
Rotary International Annual Giving Officer, Rebecca Silber, shared about service being done by Rotary and Rotarians around the world during this pandemic.
Rotary International Officer Share about the Pandemic
Thank you Katie Fitzgerald, former Norman Rotary Club member and VP and Chief Operating Officer for Feeding America, for joining us to further educate and share with us on ways we can help locally during this pandemic. Glad to have you back with our club! Keep up the good work! Click here to view her recorded presentation
Sean Bauman, President and CEO of IMMY, joined our Rotary zoom meeting to share about IMMY's creation of a COVID-19 test. To see a recorded video of his presentation click here.
Rotary club member Doane Harrison shared about the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) allocated $350 billion to help small businesses keep workers employed amid the pandemic and economic downturn. Our club also had the pleasure of presenting three high-school students who were named Rotary's Student of the Year from Norman High, Norman North and Dimensions with a $1500 scholarship for college. Congrats students! Well done! Thank you to the more than 40 club members for tuning in to zoom.
Norman Rotary is meeting virtually! Thanks to technology we were able to hear an inspirational message from Kari Watkins of the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum. Informative update on the 25-year memorial coming up April 19th but also, a message of hope that the Oklahoma Standard got us through that fateful day in 1995 and it will get us through this pandemic. Join us next week via zoom at 12noon!
The Norman Rotary Club gathered via zoom Saturday for a special COVID-19 meeting hearing updates from the Norman community leaders in our club. Sectors such as Education, Health Care, Government and Social Services presented.
Club historian, Judi Knapp, and Pancake Breakfast Chair, Larry Pace, cheers for another great year of serving up hot pancakes and sausage to Norman High students, faculty and staff.
Dr. Nick, President Jill, Past President Mariann and President-Nominee Teresa get a photo opp with Dr. Nathan Mellor, a thought-leader, two-time TEDx speaker, author, and President of Strata Leadership. He is a proven executive coach who has provided over 2,500 coaching sessions for executive leaders. Our club members sure enjoyed having him and hope to have him back at Rotary or at our professional businesses.
Dr. Mellor signed his books and visits with Rotarian Craig Heaton.
Thank you Dr. Mellor and Strata Leadership for inspiring us today!
Thank you Scott Martin, President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, for speaking at our club and updating us on the legislative and pro-business agenda and priorities.
Congressman Tom Cole talks with Norman Rotary Club's President Elect, Kyle Hurley and President Jill Hazeldine. Our club also honored a new Paul Harris Fellow, Jason Casey and inducted a new member Don Pyeatt, Director of the Full Circle Adult Day Center. Many "happy dollars" given and great things and people to celebrate!
Rotarian Judi Knapp knows how to put a smile on a student's face by giving away a bike for great school attendance! What a great partnership our Bike Give-a-Way program is with Norman Rotary Club, Norman Public Schools and the Norman Police Department.
Donning her pineapple Rotary pin given to her by President Hazeldine, Karena gets to be a rock star and give away 2 bikes! What a great way to start the day!
Dr. Bill Blum presents Paul Harris Plus pins to recognize his fellow Rotarians for their outstanding contributions to the Rotary Foundation which helps globally and locally.
Our esteemed Rotarian, Dr. Joe Foote, shared about his experience as a Rotary Global scholar getting to study abroad in Bristol, England back in the 70's. The club enjoyed a clip of a video he produced from his trip giving us a glimpse of Joe as a young journalist. He said it was a life-changing experience because it inspired him to take other journalists to study abroad which he as done for many years. Dr. Foote is a great mentor and Rotarian!
Past District Governor, Phil Moss, was instrumental in getting the Rotary Global scholars program going again for Rotary District 5770. Thank you Phil for all your hard work and commitment to education!
You can download the entire album as a zip file by clicking the download button. Or, you can download individual files by clicking the download arrow on each photo. Then, choose which size you want. If you need further assistance contact
From our Family to Yours, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
To view these and more pictures visit, You can download the entire album as a zip file by clicking the download button. Or, you can download individual files by clicking the download arrow on each photo. Then, choose which size you want. If you need further assistance contact Thank you to Sooner Club Rotarian CE Jones for capturing this wonderful day for us!
Some of Norman Rotary's finest elves were out early in the morning giving away bikes to NPS students who got their name drawn for having great attendance! What a great partnership with NPS and Norman Police Department to provide a bike and helmet, and help boost school attendance.
What a great turnout and honor to have Governor Stitt come speak at our club! Lots of guests and visting Rotarians from other clubs. Thank you Mayor Breea Clark for introducing him.
The Norman Rotary Club hosted Rotary After Hours with the other Norman and Moore clubs at the Sooner Theatre Studio, one of the recipients of Le Tour De Vin funds raised by the Rotary clubs of Norman to benefit a capital campaign for a worthy nonprofit. What a great place to celebrate! View these and more pictures at
A fun evening with other Rotary clubs receiving kuddos and accolades for supporting the Rotary Foundation. The Norman Rotary Club was recognized for our exemplary support contributing over $20,000 in FY2018 - 2019, the 2nd highest amount in District 5770. Congrats and thanks for all your support!
Click HERE to view the photos taken by C.E. Jones at the District 5770 Paul Harris Foundation dinner on Saturday, November 17 which was held at the National Weather Center in Norman, Ok.
One of our club's service projects is the make a hot breakfast of pancakes and sausage each month and help students get a good start to their day. Rise and shine!
Club member and County Commissioner Darry Stacy and Sheriff Todd Gibson talk to the club about the upcoming election on Tuesday and provided information on the proposed public safety tax.
For World Polio Day, Shawn Arnold who is a polio survivor shared about his experience of having the disease as a young child, he had to walk using crutches. Rotarian Erin Barnhart shared about her father who had Polio as a child, had physical limitations from it, but it inspired him to become a medical doctor. They are pictured with immediate Past District Governor, Dennis Brigham and PDG Mary Sherman.
Some Rotarians are having fun with Mayor Breea Clark who presented our club a World Polio Day Proclamation for Norman.
Our friend and fellow Rotarian, Daren Wilson, President and CEO at United Way of Norman, presented on all the good work that is going with Stuff the Bus - a project our Rotary club and Rotaract partner on to give out over 50,000 backpacks, the United Way Campaign, and a community-wide comprehensive community needs assessment in progress. More than $54,000 lives were touched last year thanks to United Way supporters.
What a blessing to have these high school students from Loveworks visit our club! What an outstanding group of students. We loved having them!
Jim Wade and fellow Rotarian, Loveworks Executive Director Michael Hirsch, welcome the students to Rotary!
We got to hear from City of Norman's Mayor, Breea Clark about the City taking on the public transportation CART system and why it's important to not just our citizen's but to our businesses and economic development. It was great to have you Mayor Clark!
It is always a pleasure to have Mary Margaret Holt, Dean Mary Margaret Holt, an award-winning educator whose leadership has gained recognition for OU’s School of Dance as one of the top three dance programs in the country, is dean of the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts at the University of Oklahoma. Thanks for sharing with us insight about the productions for the 2019 season!
Rotarian Matt Peacock checks our the iPad OU Marching band members get to prepare for their incredible performances helping them learn the music and the march in half the time! Thank you OU Marching Band Director Brian Britt for sharing such special insight to how committed these talented students are to OU, their craft of music, and academics!
Our club even got treated to a special performance by a quartet of OU students. It was very impressive!
OU's Dean Holt, Band Director Brian Britt and a Quartet
Thank you Kim Henry, Executive Director of Sarkeys and Former First Lady of OKlahoma for coming to our club and share all the good work Sarkeys is doing in Norman and in Oklahoma! So glad to have such a valuable resource as a foundation in our city.
Hats off to these Rotarians who pulled off another great skit playing to our signature fundraiser, The Rotary Road Rally and Armadillo Festival, to take place Saturday, Sept. 21at Reeves Park.
Rotary "players" include Kyle Caldwell, James Chappel, Alice McGrew, Lori Cornelson, Mary Sherman, Jim Hazeldine, Randy Richison, Michael Hirsch, and Liz McKown. Written and directed by the very talented Judi Knapp.
Thank you for the entertainment and for your hard work and passion for this event to benefit our Success Cycle bike giveaway that encourages kids to have great school attendance!
United Way President, Daren Wilson, presents the "Inspire" award to fellow Rotarian Karena Crawford for her work with United Way, Stuff the Bus, Rotaract, Interact and being such a great inspiration and community member!
Hal Pennington is the 5770 District Governor and is from Duncan. DG Pennington met early with our Board and was very complimentary of the Board's progress with restructure, membership goals, and service projects. He spoke to the club about the status of the district and goals moving forward into this Rotary year.
The club received an update on all of the project plans with Norman Regional Health System. Richie gave a very informative presentation on the expansion of the HealthPlex, a new stand-alone emergency department in SE Norman, and the future of the current Norman Regional Hospital. This project has been termed "Inspire Health". More information can be found on the Norman Regional website.
District 5770 held a Foundation & Membership Seminar in Pauls Valley to help clubs strategize on ways to improve both areas. This was led by District Governor Hal Pennington (red shirt). Norman Rotary Club had 5 members in attendance: Margarita Banos-Milton (Membership Committee), Mary Sherman (Foundation Committee), Jill Hazeldine (President), Dennis Brigham (Past District Governor), and Kyle Hurley (President Elect).
Oklahoma's new Lieutenant Governor Matt Pinnell is passionate about Oklahoma and what makes us so unique! His plan is building initiatives along with the Dept. of Commerce and Dept. of Tourism to promote Oklahoma, create jobs and generate revenues. Route 66 here we come!
Lt. Gov Matt Pinnell Speaks About Building Business and Tourism in Oklahoma
Norman business leader, volunteer, and Norman Rotary Club member, Randy Laffoon, was recognized with his beautiful wife for the "We Couldn't Have Done it Without You" award from fellow Norman Rotary Club member, and Citizens Advisory Board member, Cindy Nashert. Along with these Rotarians, and our own Jaci Williams, The Norman Rotary club is a major sponsor of this event to raise funds for backpacks, clothes, Christmas gifts, beds, or whatever is needed for foster kids and their families. What a fun Rotary "make up" to hear from OU Head Football Coach Lincoln Riley and the assistant coaches! Boomer Sooner!
OUr Rotarians are recognized at the Coaches Luncheon
Long-time Rotarian Don Atkins and his wife Dot were recognized for their Major gift to the Rotary Foundation. District Leaders Bob Dill, Phil Moss, and long time friend and Rotarian at the Waurika Club, Carter Waid, came in support. Immediate Past District Governor and Norman Rotary Club member, Dennis Brigham helped Moss present the award. We are so blessed to have Don in our club, he is deeply admired, respected and a beloved member! We thank Dot for all her support too!
Andy and James are always up to something . . . . Past President James Chappel known for donning multi-colored jackets at Rotary events, offered the coat off his back, retiring this one by offering it up for auction for a special cause. Andy Reiger got the winning bid, donating the funds to Loveworks.
Andy and James are always up to something . . . . Past President James Chappel known for donning multi-colored jackets at Rotary events, offered the coat off his back, retiring this one by offering it up for auction for a special cause. Andy Reiger got the winning bid, donating the funds to Loveworks.
Rotary's District 5770 Governor and Norman Rotary Club member Dennis Brigham presents fellow club member Steve Kaplan with this Paul Harris +7 pin! Thank you Steve for your outstanding support and contribution!
Chip Minty presents Bonnie Peruttzi of Transition House a check from our Rotary club to support their mental health and wellness services. Service above Self!
Did we mention Norman Rotary Club has been doing this for over 100 years of service above self?! Yes we do! After topping off a great Centennial Celebration, we celebrate at our noon meeting with cake. Yum! We are looking forward to starting our next 100 years!
With a long career in law enforcement, Jeff Puckett has been boots on the ground fighting illegal drugs and narcotics in our community for over 21 years and now investigates the over-prescribing of opioids by dentists and presents the data of misuse, abuse and accidental overdose in Oklahoma which has become a major health crisis.
Two of our favorite long-time members John Waller and Jaci Williams enjoyed Mason’s pecans. Steve Kaplan shared Mason’s pecans that were intended for conference Steve missed due to weather - a bonus for us!
New members Hank Hartsell, Liz McKown, and Tyler McManaman pose with President James Chappel. Welcome to our club! You will be a great asset to Rotary!
Mayor Lynn Miller and City of Norman representative Carrie Everson talk about the upcoming storm water election.
The Rotary Players, Kyle Caldwell, Randy Richison, Teresa Collado, Geri Krenek, and margarita Bono-Milton had “attitude’ to model “The New Look” for Bueno Brunch 2019. It's going to be another great event!
District 5770 at 2019 Lone Star P.E.T.S. this past weekend gathered for an outstanding training session with our fellow Norman Rotary clubs and district clubs! Pictured from the Norman Rotary Club: District Governor Dennis Brigham, Past District Governor Marilyn Kaplan, Steve Kaplan, President Elect Jill Hazeldine, President Nominee Kyle Hurley and Ranger Wes Hall. What an outstanding group of Rotarians from District 5770!
Full Circle, Executive Director, Donald Pyeatt, shares with us the latest from the adult day center for seniors and people with disabilities. Full Circle is the recipient of this year's Le Tour De Vin fundraiser, the premier fundraising event hosted by all of Norman's Rotary clubs. #serviceaboveself
Full Circle Adult Day Center - Le Tour De Vin Funds Recipient
Club members prep to feed a few hundred students, teachers and staff at Norman High to start their day off with a smile and a good breakfast. #serviceaboveself #rotaryinaction
Darry Stacy, Phil Cotton and David Nimmo get plates of food ready for the droves of students getting ready come in to eat.
Kyle Hurley and Matt Peacock making pancakes.
Randy Woods drew the short straw and is on clean up duty.
Service Above Self - Serving up Pancakes to NHS Students
While being showered by snow in July in Bolivia, our Norman Rotary Club Rotarians Tom Cooper and David Sabatini are also showered with flowers as a thank you for helping create a clean and safe water system for its villagers, who also invested their sweat equity. This clean water system will decrease death, disease and their high infant mortality rate. The Norman Rotary Club gives funds to support this impactful project. #normanrotary #peopleofaction #serviceaboveself
David and Tom present on their work and the club's investment in the Bolivia water project. It is crystal clear this project is near and dear to their heart! Thank you for giving your time, talents, expertise, and fundraising to make this happen.
Thank you District Judge Michael Tupper for your powerful presentation about the life-changing work being done through Drug Court! It was so inspiring seeing the video and hearing the graduates share how their lives were completely changed and seeing their "before" and "after" drug court pictures. Their transformation and stories are remarkable and give hope. So thankful for this program that gives those who are ill a chance for recovery instead of going to prison.
It's always good to hear from Norman Rotary Club's own Dr. Nick Migliorino, the Norman Public Schools Superintendent, present information related to the school bond projects that will be on the ballot February 12th.
The Norman Rotary Club will be ringing bells again for the Salvation Army's Kettle campaign, it was pleasure having Major Margaret Kennell and Director of Social Services, Leona Chapman, share how the kettle campaign and the Angel Tree helps let people in need know that their community loves them! What a great message!
Speaking of giving . . . Dr. Bill Blum presents a Paul Harris Fellow to Rick McKinney and a multiple Paul Harris Fellow to Craig Heaton for their gift to the Rotary Foundation that helps abroad and locally!
Frauleins Jill and Karena had a little fun with the club pretending to be from Hamburg, Germany home of the 2019 Rotary International Convention to speak about Rotary Engagement.
Giving the vaccine - Did you know that Rotary has help reduce the cases of polio by 99.9% since 1988. But it is still a threat in other countries. #endpolionow
Rotary Teams were fiercely competitive in Polio trivia Jeopardy.
District Governor and our club member Dennis Brigham is clad with his red high top end polio now sneakers.
Past District Governor Phil Moss presents on Rotary
Past club president Craig Heaton received our club Presidential Citation. Way to go Craig! You were a great president and a great Rotarian!
Wes Hall presents Larry Pace with his Paul Harris Fellow plus 4 pin. Wally Kerr was also recognized with his PHF plus 3 pin. Thank you for supporting the Rotary Foundation, funds that help locally and globally.
Way to represent! Norman Rotary Club members roll out for the Coaches Luncheon benefitting Citizens Advisory Board and their Secret Santa Program. Boomer Sooner!
Rotarians Jill Hazeldine and Kyle Hurley welcome our outstanding students of the month, Ryan Rasnic from Norman North and Taylor Carmen from Norman High along with Abby Puckett, Norman High's May student of the month.
Historian John Dwyer Leads Tour of Oklahoma's Past
Renown journalist and Oklahoma historian John Dwyer took Rotarians on a brief tour of Oklahoma history, introducing them to little-known facts about our state and the people who helped shape its character.
Dwyer recently published The Oklahomans, The Story of Oklahoma and Its People. The book covers Oklahoma’s colorful history, starting with Native Americans in ancient times and continuing to statehood.
The writer also discussed other books, such as Shortgrass, a novel set in early-day Oklahoma, portraying the adventurous life of an Oklahoma farm boy who became a football star and an aviator in the midst of World War II.
Norman Chamber of Commerce President Scott Martin says Norman has many components of a successful community, such as quality education, safety, good streets, health care, a strong business environment and good quality of life. He said his role as leader of the chamber is to help the community pull it all together to make the city an even better place to live. Martin, a former state representative from House District 46, told the noon club that Oklahoma’s legislature is a challenging place to work right now with pressing issues involving the state’s budget crisis. He said he’s excited about his new role leading the chamber, and he urged Rotary members to join the organization if they have not done so already.
Public Works Director, Sean O’Leary gave an update on the progress of construction underway at W Lindsay Street, telling Norman Rotarians that all four lanes of traffic are expected to be open by the end of September. Once the project is completely finished by the end of the year, Norman will have one of central Oklahoma’s most picturesque urban thoroughfares, with bike lanes, bus turnouts, and trees lining both side of the street as well as the center median.
O’Leary said West Lindsey had become a notoriously dangerous street with a crash rate that was three times the national average. Transportation officials also considered Lindsay the most congested traffic corridor in the Oklahoma City area.
O’Leary said the Lindsey Street widening project and the adjacent Interstate 35 bridge and interchange system had a price tag of about $107 million, largely paid for through federal transportation funds. The result will be a modern new entryway for visitors and Norman residents to use and enjoy.
While Lindsey Street was the most visible and drew the most discussion, the main purpose of all the work on Lindsey was to improve drainage in the area. He said the project included construction of enormous channels buried as much as 30 feet below the street. That project is also drawing to conclusion and will soon alleviate the notorious flooding problem on McGee Street.
Cap off a great summer season with what is destined to be a fall classic touring event in Norman, showcasing some of the best cycling roads in Central Oklahoma.
Norman Rotary Club Member Charles Hollingsworth visits with speakers Andrew Seamans and Connie Eckstein. Seamans is a member of the Legacy Rotary Club in Norman and Eckstein is a member of Norman's Cross Timbers Rotary Club.
Arlie Daniel, district 5770 governor, spoke to the Norman Rotary Club about his goals for the upcoming year, highlighting his vision with a three-legged stool. Daniel said the club, the district and Rotary International are interdependent. All three branches must work together for Rotary to be successful. “If you need some help, let us know,” the district governor said. “If we don’t work together, there will not be a Rotary in 100 years.” Daniel also said his objective for the district is for each club to earn a presidential citation, for each Rotarian to plant at least one tree, to increase membership and for greater engagement at the community, district and international levels.
Dr. Nick Migliorino and Holly Nevels with Norman Public Schools updated the club on the year-long project of giving bikes to elementary students. In short - it was a success! Attendance improved throughout the district. Click here to see pictures from the schools.
Mary Sherman, Marilyn Kaplan, and Kathey Drummond tag teamed the podium to give a very powerful and informative history of women in Rotary. All three are past club presidents and two are past district governors. Mary discussed her Rotary experiences before women were allowed in Rotary in 1987. Marilyn talked about being a district governor and the challenges that she had to overcome. Finally, Kathey summed up what Rotary has meant to her, her family, and why it is so important to remember Service Above Self.
On April 6th, Norman Rotarians visited Norman Regional Health System. Booths were set up showcasing many of the life-saving services provided by the health system, along with posters describing the 70+ years of care that has been provided to the community. Richie Splitt (President & CEO) gave an extremely informative talk about healthcare in general and also what the future of Norman Regional will look like. Members asked questions related to primary care physicians, medical insurance, the expansion of the HealthPlex, and status of Norman Regional as an independently-run organization. Thank you Norman Regional for being a fantastic host! Click here to see more pictures of the event.
Dr. Isbell graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. He completed his residency at Carolina Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he was the Chief Surgery Resident. He is skilled with laparoscopic techniques using minimal incisions to treat conditions such as hernia repair, reflux, colon, and adrenal surgery. He also uses Norman Regional’s da Vinci Robotic Surgical System, another way of performing minimally invasive surgeries. Dr. Isbell is the Medical Director of the Norman Regional Vascular Access Center and performs vascular access for dialysis patients. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.
Former Norman Rotarian Stacy Bruce will share information about Bridges of Norman with the club. Stacy is a 1993 graduate of Norman High and graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Arts in Administrative Leadership. After college, Stacy began a career with the YMCA, working in Dallas, Tulsa, OKC, and Norman. She held positions from health and wellness director to branch director to most recently Vice President of Operations at the Cleveland County Family YMCA. In November 2016, Stacy left a career of almost 20 years with the YMCA to become the Executive Director at Bridges. Thanks Stacy for joining us and for all the work you do to help Norman's high school students.
Our Foundation celebrates 100 years of Doing Good in the World which empowers Rotarians to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people in need. Donations to the foundation help globally and locally. Every dollar a Rotarian donates, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation match it 2:1, tripling the gift!
Members show that we are "this close" to eradicating Polio.
Our Club's Foundation Chair, Bill Blum, talks about all the projects the Rotary foundation supports including eradicating polio, providing clean water, helping women and children and promoting peace.
Wiley Kerr was recognized for his Paul Harris Follow Donation.
100th Birthday Celebration for the Rotary Foundation
Rotary After Hours social event for the Moore and Norman clubs had a great turn out at The Sooner Theatre Studio on Main in Norman. Thanks all who attended!
January 19 – Third Thursday—Member Recognition and Badge Talks:
Paul Harris Fellow recognitions and a Red to Blue Badge change, along with Red and Blue badge talks, was featured. Chip Minty is an Oklahoma native who has lived in Norman for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma, where he earned a bachelor of arts degree in psychology. Minty's background includes 20 years writing and editing for two daily newspapers, including The Oklahoman and 12 years in corporate communications for Devon Energy Corp. Dr. Kim Gaddie, a Georgia native, has been a resident of Norman for over 20 years. She and her husband, Dr. Keith Gaddie, moved here from New Orleans when he took his faculty position at OU. Kim is the managing editor for Social Science Quarterly housed at the University of Oklahoma.
Multiple Paul Harris Fellows, Craig Heaton, Steve Morren, Jim Dembowski, and Ed Adwon are not only generous, but humble contributors.
Kyle reviewed the results of the Citrus Sales, presented about how the program surveys work and gave an overview of the redesigned Norman Rotary website. Kyle joined Norman Rotary in June 2015. He is the chair of the Citrus Sales committee and the co-chair for Programming; has redesigned the website and is slated to join the Board in July 2017. He has been with Norman Regional Health System for 17 years - the first 15 as a paramedic and the last 2 as a business planning specialist.
Thank you Kyle for all you've done by chairing the Citrus Fruit Sale, the Speaker Programs, and redesigning and adding new features to our website. Ed Copelin put it best by saying, although you've been with us just a short time, you're already a "true Rotarian!"
January 5 -- Drs. Peter Liesenfeld and Scott Beck: NPS High School Update:
Dr. Liesenfeld (Norman North) and Dr. Beck (Norman High) are going to do a special presentation on both high schools. It will be based on the survey results that members submitted. Peter Liesenfeld, a lifelong resident of Norman, has been an educator in Norman Public Schools for 17 years. He attended Norman Public Schools and earned a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Education Administration from the University of Oklahoma. He serves as head principal at Norman North High School. Scott Beck is the Principal at Norman High School. He joined the Norman Public School System in 2004 and has served as an Assistant Principal and as a social studies teacher and coach. Beck holds a Bachelor's degree from the University of Central Oklahoma, a Master's degree in Education Administration, Curriculum and Supervision from the University of Oklahoma and a PhD in Education Leadership and Policy Studies from OU. Thanks for all you do and for taking time out of your busy schedules to come tell us the latest happenings going on at our schools.
Resident joke teller Andy Rieger is back! His tag line after each joke? "Tell your friends I'm here every Thursday."
Sarah Michelle Getto was born blind and with a severe cleft palate. Sarah was mainstreamed through Norman Public Schools, where she learned Braille. During her early education, she developed a love of music of all types. In high school, she sang in the choir and played violin in the orchestra. Sarah graduated from high school with a 4.0 grade point average and nearly maintained that with the exception of a couple of “B’s” throughout college. In 2007, Sarah graduated “summa cum laude” from Southeastern Oklahoma State University with a degree in music education. Since graduating from college, Sarah has performed all across the country at music shows, conventions, RV resorts, rallies, and jamborees. Sarah also enjoys performing and recording Christmas music, producing the CDs herself. On her recordings, she plays and sings all of the instrument and vocal parts. Sarah performs several holiday concerts each year. Thank you Sarah, and family, for joining us and blessing us with your wonderful voice and spreading Christmas cheer. We sure enjoyed it. It doesn't get much better than that!
Paul Harris Fellow Chair, Bill Blum announces new Paul Harris Fellow Teresa Collado and honors multiple PHF's Don Adkins, and second time PHF's Cindy Nashert and Kathy Hallren. Congrats and thanks for your generous leadership giving!
Erinn Gavaghan is an art historian and arts administrator. She served as the Executive Director of the Norman Arts Council since August 2010. Errin graduated from Webster University in St. Louis with an MA in Art History in May, 2010. She specializes in 16th and 17th century European art and architecture as well as socially engaged contemporary art. In addition to her work with the NAC, she is an adjunct professor of Art History at Oklahoma and Oklahoma City Community College. Her current interests, research, and projects revolve around the arts’ role in economic development and quality of life in communities.
Speaker Errin Gavaghan, Norman Arts Council and Paul Harris Fellows
This past June, the University of Oklahoma sent 19 students and 5 faculty to begin a new service-learning course, working with Sr. Rosemary Nyirumbe at her St. Monica's orphanage in northern Uganda. Two OU students and one of their faculty members, Dr. Jim Chamberlain, will present on their activities regarding water challenges - needs, design, and solutions. A Rotary grant was used to purchase water storage tanks for one of the newest orphanages. It's great to see and hear about how our Rotary dollars are at work helping humanitarian efforts in other countries. Thank you Dr. Chamberlin for all you do and for coming to speak to our club!
December 8 -- Dr. Jim Chamberlin, Uganda Water Project Report:
This past June, the University of Oklahoma sent 19 students and 5 faculty to begin a new service-learning course, working with Sr. Rosemary Nyirumbe at her St. Monica's orphanage in northern Uganda. Two OU students and one of their faculty members, Dr. Jim Chamberlain, will present on their activities regarding water challenges - needs, design, and solutions. A Rotary grant was used to purchase water storage tanks for one of the newest orphanages.
A good time was had at our annual Christmas Party held at Sooner Legends. We had good food and fellowship and donated toys for the Secret Santa program.
Patrick Cody is an emergency room physician working for TeamHealth, which is the group contracted by Norman Regional Health System. Prior to going to medical school, Dr. Cody received his undergraduate and master’s degrees in music from the University of Oklahoma. After graduating from the OSU School of Medicine in Tulsa, Patrick completed his residency through INTEGRIS Southwest in OKC. In addition to seeing patients in the emergency department, Dr. Cody also serves as medical director for EMSSTAT (Norman’s EMS), the Norman Fire Department, the Norman Dispatch Center, and the Norman SWAT team. Dr. Cody also started Norman Regional’s first physician residency program in 2015 for residents pursuing a career in emergency medicine. Dr. Cody is passionate about teaching and stays closely involved with the training of each of his areas of responsibility.
Speaker Dr. Patrick Cody, Emergency Medicine, Norman Regional Hospital
These three students nailed it on the Four-Way Test speech contest! We enjoyed having you and hearing your inspiring speeches about our code of guiding principals. You all did a great job! Pictured is Wes Hall introducing students Case Harding, Harrison Morey and Jessica Harrison.
Thank you Rotarians, Craig Heaton and Nick Migliorino, along with Holly Nevels, Director of Elementary and Secondary Education at Norman Public Schools, for giving us the latest scoop on the bike give-a-way. What a great incentive to encourage good attendance! If kids aren't in school, they can't learn. As some of our club members have witnessed, seeing the look on their faces when they win the drawing for the bike is priceless. Thank you Craig and Nick and all who have helped make this possible! This service project has definitely become a new club favorite !
One of our club's favorite service projects is serving up pancakes and sausage with a smile to students at Norman High. Our club loves to see and serve these youth. We serve on the 2nd Wednesday of every month during the school year.
Don Adkins and Teresa Collado get the O.J. ready for the student rush. Don usually sings a cheerful "Good morning, good morning!" diddy to the students.
"Those pancakes don't make themselves!" says Larry Pace with Jeff Ahl.
Joe Paslay drew the short straw and gets to do the dishes.
Darry Stacy and Kyle Hurley are ready and waiting for the slew of student to begin arriving!
Rotary members shared the good news that most kids here today don't even know what Polio is, but it was a very real, everyday, threat when they were growing up and still is in a few countries. Thank you club members for matching Rotaract's gift and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation will match our gift, helping provide over 22,211 immunizations - all done at last Thursday's meeting. Way to go! That is great collective impact! We are this close!
Jaci Williams talks about not being able to go to the pool or to the movie theater as a kid because of the fear of catching Polio.
Kyle Hurley reminds us of the two biggest medical inventions in history that have made the biggest impact on reducing mortality rates and illness: 1) Immunizations and 2) Penicillin.
John Waller shares his memories of how his family dealt with the Polio threat.
Jim Dembowski donned the Rotary Polio Plus garb he wore in India when he administered the drops of the Polio vaccine to children.
Don Atkins puts into perspective on how far we've come to eradicate Polio and save people's lives, but gives us the charge to do more because we are not done yet!
Erin Barnhart shares how her father had Polio and decided to become a doctor because of it in spite of the challenges Polio has physically affected him.
Clarence Warner reminds us of the importance of giving to the Rotary Foundation to help eradicate Polio.
November 3--Dennis Brigham/Clarence Warner, Polio Plus:
Thursday’s meeting is devoted to PolioPlus using members of our club to present interesting stories of experiences with Polio or information of Rotary International's PolioPlus campaign. Last week, Norman Rotary was presented with an oversize check for $3,500 from the OU Rotaract Club payable to The Rotary Foundation for PolioPlus. During the presentation, our club was challenged to "Meet or beat" this amount for PolioPlus. Rotary's 4th Annual World Polio Day event was held on October 24th at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.
Club raises $4,500 to match Polio Plus challenge from Rotaract
October 20--Joe Castiglione, VP Intercollegiate Athletic Programs:
Joe Castiglione arrived on the Sooner campus in summer of 1998 and is the 11th and second longest serving director of athletics at OU. During his17-year tenure, OU has realized 10 national championships and 72 conference titles, including five in the 2014-15 academic year. Facility improvement and construction of athletics facilities has been carried out at a record pace and Castiglione takes pride in the fact that those improvements have been paid for with private money. The most recent facility completion is the $75 million Headington Hall, which provides housing for the general student population as well as student-athletes. The bowling in of the football field was completed for the fall season and work continues on many other stadium upgrades. Thanks Joe C. for joining us again! Go Sooners!
The Rotary players are getting us buzzed about our annual fruit sale to benefit local non-profit organizations. Thanks for the entertaining skit writer & director Judi Knapp and to the skit players!
Pianist Barbara Wymore, Yves Badaroux, Geri Krenek, and Dick Krenek
Citrus skit performers Nyla Khan, Karena Crawford, Yves Badaroux, Randy Richison, Alice McGrew, Theresa Collado
Fruit flies Nyla Khan, Alice McGrew, Randy Richison, Barbara Burcham, Theresa Collado
The Rotary Players “When the Fruit Flies Come Home to Capistrano”
October 13--Thad Balkman: How to be an informed voter:
Thad Balkman is a district judge for the District 21 Court in Cleveland County, Oklahoma. He was appointed by Governor Mary Fallin to carry out the remainder of Judge Tom A. Lucas's term, who retired in August 2013. Balkman ran for re-election in 2014 to the 21st District Court. As an unopposed candidate, he was automatically re-elected without appearing on the ballot. His term expires on January 13, 2019. Balkman earned a B.A. in political science from Brigham Young University in 1994, and a J.D. from Oklahoma University School of Law in 1998. He and his wife Amy have 4 children. It's always good to have you Thad! You are a wealth of information in helping us find information to be a more informed voter on the candidates and the state questions.
October 6--District Governor Bob Greenstreet’s official club visit:
Bob joined the Ada Rotary Club in 1990, but he had several years of Rotary experience prior to being asked to join. As a speech and debate team director at East Central University, he provided judges for the annual Four Way Test Speech Contest for several years before joining. Job scheduling conflicts caused him to resign and join the Ada Sunrise Rotary Club. Bob has served the ASRC as both President and Secretary. He is a member of the Paul Harris Society. He and his Rotarian wife, Jennifer, are multiple Paul Harris Fellows and Major Donors. Bob and Jennifer have had perfect attendance since each joined Rotary. Thank you for your visit. We enjoyed having you! Thank you for all you do for Rotary.
September 29—Dr. Brett Dees, NRH--Headaches and Neurology:
Dr. Brett Dees is the director of the Norman Regional Health System headache center. He was the Medical Director of OU Physicians Adult Services and the Medical Director of OU Physicians Adult Neurology before coming to Norman three years ago. He completed his neurology residency and medical degree at the OU College of Medicine and is board certified in Neurology by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Dr. Dees’ areas of expertise include diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the central nervous system including headache, seizure and stroke. His academic interests incorporate medically-refractory headache, “spells”, nutrition-induced neurologic diseases and difficult-to-diagnose neurologic cases.
Kyle Hurley and Karena Crawford pick Dr. Dees' brain by talking with him after his presentation.
September 22—University Theatre Season--Dean Mary Margaret Holt and Helen Green, PR Coordinator, OU College of Fine Arts:
Mary Margaret Holt joined the dance faculty of the University of Oklahoma and was named chair of the Department of Dance in 1991 and director of the School of Dance in 1998, having taught every course in the ballet curriculum. Holt holds BFA and MFA degrees in dance. She was named dean of the Weitzenhoffer College of Fine Arts in 2015 and continues to teach and serve as a consultant.
Helen Green is the Public Relations Coordinator for the College of Fine Arts. Before joining the OU family she was an elementary teacher, then a stay at home mom of her four boys and avid volunteer for the schools they attended. Helen grew up in Duncan, where her father, John Ray Green, is Duncan Rotarian; she came to OU for school and never left. Outside of work, she is a member of the Norman Public School Foundation Board, Assistance League of Norman and immediate past president of First Christian Church. It was a pleasure having you Dean Holt and Helen Green!
September 15--Dr. James Neel, cardiovascular surgeon, NRH:
Dr. James Neel, M.D., is a cardiovascular surgeon who recently established a practice with Norman Regional Health System. He performs all aspects of cardiac, thoracic, and vascular cases. He is also robotically trained. A Tulsa native, Dr. Neel completed medical school at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, he did his residency training in Shreveport, and finished up a fellowship at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. Dr. Neel is married with 4 children, enjoys all outdoor activities, and is fluent in Spanish. Welcome to Norman Dr. Neal and thanks for coming to speak to our club.
September 8--Keith Gaddie-A look at the current Constitutional/Political Scene:
Keith Gaddie is President's Associates Presidential Professor and chair of the Department of Political Science at the University of Oklahoma, senior fellow of OU’s Headington Residential College, associate director of the OU Center for Intelligence and National Security and general editor of Social Science Quarterly. He earned his B.S. degree from the Florida State University and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science (1993) from the University of Georgia. From 1993-1996 he was Freeport-McMoRan Environmental Policy Postdoctoral Fellow and research assistant professor at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Keith joined the faculty of the University of Oklahoma in 1996 where he regularly teaches classes on southern politics, American government, elections and the architecture of democracy.
Beth Brigham announces Norman Rotary's portion of raising $15,000 for Le Tour De Vin with Lisa Wells, Shelley Clemmens, Erin Barnhart, and Kyle Hurley. Way to go Norman Rotary! Proceeds benefit Sooner Theatre and other Rotary projects.
Leona McKinley, volunteer and Amy Chase volunteer coordinator talk about the latest happenings and volunteer opportunities at the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History. Thanks for joining us!
Dennis Brigham examines his prize from John Waller for giving the correct answer to John's question. Winner winner!
Sept 1 meeting full with fundraising, volunteerism and a prize!
Jefferson Elementary School physical education teacher Nan Schuchman (left) stands with Jefferson Principal Carla Allen. They are promoting the new Rotary Success Cycle program, which uses bicycles to help boost attendance during the 2016-17 school year. The photo was taken during Jefferson Elementary School's Back to School Night, Aug. 16.
- By Chip Minty, Norman Rotary Club
The first step to being successful in school is showing up.
Encouraging good attendance is a priority at Norman Public Schools because poor attendance leads to poor test scores and higher dropout rates.
That is why Norman Public Schools and Norman’s Noon Rotary Club have partnered to initiate The Rotary Success Cycle, a program that rewards students just for coming to school each day.
The program, which involves nine Norman schools, entices students to be consistent in their attendance to improve their chances to win bicycles through the school year. The better their attendance, the better their chances of winning a bike.
Students who attend five days out of a week have their names added to their school’s drawing. The more weeks with perfect attendance, the more times their names are added to the hat. The schools will hold drawings after each nine-week period during the 2016-17 school year.
Norman’s Noon Rotary Club is sponsoring the program through nearly $10,000 in funding for the purchase of 66 bicycles. Each of the winning students will also receive a bicycle helmet and a bike lock.
Participating schools include Kennedy, Wilson, Madison, Jackson, Adams, Lincoln, Jefferson, Reagan and Dimensions Academy South. The program involves more than 3,000 students in grades K through five.
Noon Rotary President-elect Craig Heaton said the club is investing in the program to help children establish a stronger academic footing while in elementary school. But that is not the only reason. The program also is intended to help the schools achieve attendance rates required for state and federal funding. Schools must achieve 95 percent attendance to be eligible for funding, and schools selected to participate in The Rotary Success Cycle program tend to be on the borderline of that requirement.
“We borrowed The Rotary Success Cycle idea from a similar program created by a Rotary club in Texas,” Heaton said. The club met with district officials, who helped design the rules specifically for Norman schools and students.
“It’s an exciting initiative and another great opportunity for us to contribute to the community,” Heaton said. “Through this first-year program, we hope to improve attendance, raise test scores and make a difference for schools that could use a shot in the arm at a challenging time.”
“Besides all of that,” Heaton said, “We are going to give a bunch of bikes to kids who will really enjoy them, and that’s important too.”
The bikes are being displayed at each of the schools through the school year. Signs accompanying the displays were created and donated by FastSigns of Norman.
Al’s Bicycles of Norman assisted the Rotary Club by providing the 67 Haro brand BMX style bicycles at a discounted price. The Norman Police Department contributed about a third of the bicycle helmets that will be given away during the school year.
The Rotary Success Cycle to Make a Difference for Norman Schools
August 25— State Auditor Gary Jones, ”A billion here, a billion there . . . before long, you’re talking about real money!”: Gary Jones was born at Fort Sill 8/27/1954, the fifth of seven children to SFC James J. & Clara Jones. He started school at Jefferson Elementary in Lawton, but like most military families moved and also attended school in Texas and Germany before returning to Lawton to attend Eisenhower Jr. High. Jones graduated from Eisenhower Sr. in 1972. That fall, Gary entered Cameron University full time while also working full time for Southwestern Bell. At age 20, Gary was promoted into management for Southwestern Bell as one of the youngest managers in company history. The following year he was promoted again to Southwestern Bell state headquarters in OKC and attended night school at Central State University. Gary returned to Lawton in June, 1977 to marry his wife, Mary Jane. Gary attended night classes at Cameron and graduated in July 1978 with a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting. Jones worked for Bell for 10 years before starting a telecommunications company he owned and operated for 16 years. He was elected as Comanche County Western District Commissioner in August 1994 and served 4 years. In January 1999, Gary returned to Cameron to finish the requirements needed to sit for the CPA exam. In May 2000, he fulfilled his original collegiate goal and became a Certified Public Accountant. In November 2010, on his third attempt, Gary was elected Oklahoma State Auditor and Inspector. He was re-elected in 2014 without opposition.
Fourteenth Annual Le Tour de Vin Posts Great Success,
Raises More than $150,000 for Norman Community
The 2016 Le Tour de Vin drew nearly 500 guests over the three-day event and raised more than $150,000 through sponsorships, reservations, auctions, a wine pull and donations.
This year’s event was dedicated to The Studio of The Sooner Theatre, 101 E Main St., donating $50,000 of the proceeds. The Theatre is using the money to benefit its studio project, which teaches young people a variety of skills in the performing arts, such as acting, singing and stage design. Rotarians plan to raise an additional $50,000 for The Theatre again through the 2017 event.
Le Tour de Vin 2016 consisted of three separate functions over the course of a weekend in early June. It began with a small painting and wine affair on Thursday evening, followed by a Wine and Dine on Friday and ended with the big event on Saturday night at the Marriott Conference Center. The big event offers patrons opportunities to enjoy fine wine, good food, music and a festive atmosphere.
Since it was established in 2003, the annual wine tasting fundraiser has generated nearly $605,000 in direct benefit to organizations that serve Norman, such as Food and Shelter for Friends, Bridges high school living center, the Center for Children and Families, Mary Abbot House, Thunderbird Clubhouse, American Red Cross, and The Studio of The Sooner Theatre.
Starting out as a joint project between Norman’s Cross Timbers Rotary Club and the Cleveland County Chapter of the American Red Cross, the event has grown in size and stature. Le Tour de Vin has grown to be the second-largest event of its kind in Oklahoma.
In 2008, Le Tour de Vin picked up steam when the Cross Timbers Club joined forces with Norman’s Noon Rotary Club and the Sooner Rotary Club. Members from each club volunteer their time, donate auction items, and most importantly, attend with their friends, colleagues and other members of the community, making each year a big success.
Norman’s three Rotary clubs use the remaining proceeds from Le Tour de Vin to benefit other nonprofit organizations in Norman, helping to provide housing for our City’s homeless and many Rotary International Projects, as part of their continuing effort to fulfill a broad range of community needs. Since its beginning, Le Tour de Vin has raised a net income of $1,101,799. Rotary can make a difference!
Le Tour de Vin is not only one of the most enjoyable events sponsored by Rotarians in Norman; it is the most beneficial to the local community.
In addition to his many his civil obligations, Eran Harrill has serve as an infantry squad leader in the 179th Battalion of the Oklahoma National Guard, located in El Reno, with a deployment to Afghanistan in 2011-2012. His military awards include the Combat Infantry Badge, Air Assault Badge, Army Achievement Medal with star, and multiple combat campaign ribbons. Eran brings with him a strong leadership and sense of structure to the ONG. He will share some of his observations of his fellow Guardsmen.
A native of Sacramento, CA, Eran graduated from John Marshall High School; he attended Oklahoma State University as a history major with a focus on military history. Although he originally intended to pursue a career in law, the bulk of his professional career has centered on marketing and business development with several positions in advertising, marketing and related fields. Eran was elected to the Black Chamber Board of Directors in 2012 and became Vice Chair in 2013. In October 2014, Eran was selected as the next President and took office in February 2015, becoming the youngest President to hold that position with the Black Chamber of Commerce – Metro Oklahoma City.
Brandon Meier joined the Sooner Vision staff in July 2007 as Executive Director of Video Production and was promoted to Assistant Athletics Director for Broadcast Operations in 2011. Since his arrival, Meier has led a media transformation in intercollegiate athletics. OU has become an industry leader in a variety of areas including TV production, video board production, digital signage and video delivery over a variety of digital platforms. With 17 full-time and 100 part-time employees, many of whom who are students at OU; Meier oversees one of the largest broadcast departments in college or professional sports. Meier earned his bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism and his master's degree in marketing from the University of Nebraska. Thanks for coming to speak at our club Brandon and we look forward to seeing the stadium renovations and the new, huge, world-class video screen and score board!
Our club members enjoyed hearing OU football coaches talk about the upcoming season while helping a good cause - the Citizen's Advisory Board of Cleveland County Child Welfare Unit. CAB was developed and implemented in 1989 with one specific goal: fulfill the Christmas wish lists of children in out-of-home care in Cleveland County. The annual Coaches Luncheon raises thousands of dollars to do just that. To learn more, visit
Rotary supporting Coaches Luncheon and Citizens Advisory Board
Norman Rotarian Clarence Warner’s second book, “A Promise Kept”, is a Christian historical fiction book about his wife, Jan’s, grandfather. Tate Publishing released the book in May. His first book was a devotional, “The Promises of God.” Warner served as President of our Rotary club in 1996-97. He serves on the Rotary Information Committee and he and Jan are a Major Donor, Level One to The Rotary Foundation. Thank you Clarence for speaking to your fellow club members to share about your life and your books, and thanks for all you do for Rotary!
Randy Woods hands over the reigns to Lori Cornelsen by presenting her with a President's pin. Thanks for a great year Randy! Thanks Lori for taking the reigns, we are looking forward to another great year!
President Lori addresses the club to talk up the upcoming year. There are great things in store!
As Rotarians are eager to jump up and follow her lead to do more of Rotary's good work, President Lori reminds us to settle in as there will be plenty of time to pace ourselves throughout the year.
Thank you Lori for having our District Governor come to do the inductions of our newly elected officers and directors.
Thank you for your years of service to the Rotary board. You will be missed but still be an important part of our club and service as always.
District Governor, Robert Greenstreet, helped induct the new officers and directors.
President Lori and her beautiful and supportive family.
Installation of 2016-2017 Elected Officers and Directors
Le Tour De Vin held June 9 - 11, 2016 is a powerful collaboration of the Cross Timbers, Sooner, and Norman Rotary clubs to raise money for our current beneficiary, The Studio of The Sooner Theatre. Thank you to the planning committee, those who donated and bought items, attended, and volunteered to make this event a big success to help our designated organization. To see the photos from the event visit: To learn more about the event visit Cheers!
The annual, much anticipated, Rotary skit was a big hit with a rendition of "Hey Good Lookin' What you Got Cookin'" complete with celebrity chefs Julia Child, Rachael Ray, and Martha Stewart to name a few.
OU president, David Boren, talked to the club on the state of education in Oklahoma and other timely topics impacting our state. It's always good to hear his perspective, knowledge and history of Oklahoma.
Norman Rotary club member Dr. Nyla Ali Khan recently presented on "The Cost of Conflict in Southeast Asia" and has now released her website:
She is a faculty member at the University of Oklahoma. Her personal history, education, and scholarship have made her sensitive to the diversity of cultural traditions and the questions and conflicts within them. Thank you Dr. Khan for sharing your very insightful and compelling presentation and for all your good work! To learn more visit
A good time was had by all at our annual holiday party. Thank you NCED-Marriott for being a great host and to all who planned it! The party was complete with good food, good cheer, Santa and his sleigh, and a special place for the kids to do arts and crafts. Everyone have a merry Christmas, happy holidays and happy New Year! Photos provided by Judi Knapp.
Club member Dr. Nyla Khan gives her presentation on "The Cost of Conflict in Southeast Asia." She is pictured with club president Randy Woods.
Dr. Nyla Ali Khan is a faculty member at the University of Oklahoma and former professor at the University of Nebraska-Kearney. She did her Masters in Postcolonial Literature and Theory at the University of Oklahoma and obtained her Ph. D. at OU. Kahn has recently been working as an editor for a publication on the region of Jammu and Kashmir with Oxford Islamic Studies Online. Her personal history, education, and scholarship have made her sensitive to the diversity of cultural traditions and to the questions and conflicts within them.
She is the author of two books, including The Fiction of Nationality in an Era of Transnationalism and Islam, Women, and Violence in Kashmir: Between Indian and Pakistan, and several articles that focus heavily on the political issues and strife of her homeland, Jammu and Kashmir. To learn more visit
Dr. Nyla Khan: “The Cost of Conflict in Southeast Asia”
WWII Veteran Ed Bray spoke to the club about growing up during the depression, fighting in World War II and supporting literacy efforts. Beating the odds with the many challenges he faced, his message was from the heart and inspiring and he received a standing ovation from the club. He is joined here with is son and five grandsons.
Ed Bray with son and five grandsons. WWII veteran and literacy supporter
Presenter Kyle Hurley (center) talks with former RI President Ron Burton, Kathey Drummond and Bill Arnold. Thanks Kyle for sharing with the club more about yourself and what you do!
Members of OU's Rotaract club come to promote their upcoming Polio Plus benefit banquet. We are lucky to have such outstanding youth leadership for Rotary! Visit their facebook page:
Former RI president Ron Burton congratulates Jan and Clarence Warner for their generosity and achieving Level I Major Donor status. The Paul Harris Society requires members to contribute $1,000 per year to the Rotary Foundation. Jan & Clarence Warner have passed the threshold for designation as a Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to Rotary.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, citrus sale skit 2015
The Rotary Players kicked off the citrus sale with reminders to "sell citrus."
Pictured L-R: Dennis Brigham Kevin Speer, Karena Crawford, Don Adkins, Geri Krenek Bob Lynn, Sheri Bookout, Tom Cooper, Dick Krenek, and Ed Adwon.
DHS Child Welfare Unite Teen panel - Aleece Mann DHS, Kris formerly in foster care, Jaci Williams CAB, Heather formerly in foster care. Thanks for coming to share your stories and remind us of the need for good foster care families and the good that comes from it.
Rotarians from West Haven, Connecticut exchanged banners with our club members Ron Burton, past president of Rotary International and current club president Randy Woods.
Our member spotlight was on Teresa Collado. When not working as the Executive Director for NAIC, she shared her other passions of art, teaching exercise classes at the Y, her Rotary exchange to India, her family, and life growing up. You can see a picture in the background of her adorable young self.
Just as Rotary works to improve access to and the creation of quality water, Peter Lochery, winner of the OU International Water Prize, is a pioneer to help solve global water sanitation crisis. He presented his project at the Rotary meeting and shares his experiences with Ken Hoving and David Sabatini.
Brian Jensen is the Regional Director of Services to the Armed Forces for the American Red Cross and shared about the Veteran's History Project. The goal is to surpass 100,000 stories. Interviews were held and recorded from many of our own club Armed Services members. Their stories and others will be stored in the Library of Congress so they be archived as our nation's legacies and future generations to come can see and hear their loved one's story.
Thank you Dr. Murali Krishna, president and chief operating officer of INTEGRIS Mental Health, for your presentation on VIBRANT: Making a Mindful Difference With Passion and Purposes and sharing insights from your experiences, expertise and your book, VIBRANT: To Heal and Be Whole From India to Oklahoma City. Always great to hear you speak!
Dr. Krishna VIBRANT: Making a Mindful Difference With Passion and Purpose
We enjoyed our annual picnic at Rotary Park under the new pavilion, topped with great food from Interurban! Jud Foster and staff from the City of Norman Parks and Recreation department share with us all the exciting happenings and improvements at Rotary Park, neighborhood parks, the new Legacy Park, and the Norman Forward proposal. Rotary is proud of our partnership with the City of Norman!
Rick McKinney presents a check to Jud Foster for Rotary Park.
The renderings of Legacy Park show it will be spectacular!
Bob Funk Jr. is owner and president of Prodigal LLC. In addition to operating OKC Energy FC and the Oklahoma City Barons AHL hockey franchise, Prodigal co-promotes professional bull riders’ events in Oklahoma City and Tulsa and operates the Ram National Circuit Finals Rodeo in Oklahoma City. Funk and his family are actively involved in community efforts within the state of Oklahoma. Bob has participated in events with: Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Youth Hockey Association and Sexual Assault Awareness month. Bob serves as Chairman of the newly formed Greater Oklahoma Sports Consortium.
Korey just completed a month long exchange program with the Department of State. He visted Bangladesh and Nepal and had a brief time in Dubai. Welcome back Korey and thanks for sharing your amazing experience with us. Looks like you met a lot of new friends!
Korey in Dubai
Norman Rotarian Korey McMahon Shares Far East Tour
Thank you Dr. Z for having your talented students come sing Christmas carols and play music for us, we even sang along! A wonderful way to enjoy and celebrate the holiday!
A proud grandfather of his grandson's high academic achievements and ACT score, Jim surprised and honored Eric by making him a Paul Harris Fellow. Congrats Eric and Jim!
Jim Dembowski honors grandson by making him a Paul Harris Fellow
Norman Rotary Club members and their families were able to celebrate OU''s win and Perine's record at the OU/Kansas tailgate at a warm, cozy place at Rotary Park.
A small crutch leaned against a podium inside an Oklahoma Memorial Union room Wednesday evening. It was a prop, retrieved and held aloft by Shawn Arnold as he described his early battle with polio.
The 55-year-old attorney and Norman resident was one of Maine's last polio victims in the early 1960s. He contracted the disease as a toddler when his mother feared having him immunized would give him the disease, as was reported at the time.
At an OU Rotaract banquet Wednesday night, Arnold was the local face of polio, a disease now nearly eradicated through the efforts of world health organizations and Rotary International. Polio now exists in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria.
In 35 years, the disease has been eliminated in more than 120 countries. Organizations have spent more than $9 billion in hopes of declaring the world polio free.
We need to finish the journey, Tennessee engineer John Germ told Rotarians and guests. It was Rotary's initiative that got the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Unicef to adopt a resolution in 1988 that said we want to make the world polio free.
Germ is a past director, vice president and vice chairman of Rotary International. He is a past trustee of the Rotary Foundation and currently serves on the organization's International Polio Plus Committee.
OU's Rotaract Chapter raised more than $2,000 in the fight to eradicate polio. The chapter's weeklong events raise money for and awareness of Rotary's polio initiative.
Germ has been a leader in fundraising for Rotary International's polio eradication campaign. Germ talked of the millions pledged and donated by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, through their personal foundation.
Germ also spoke Thursday to the Norman Rotary Club. Rotary's effort at polio eradication began in 1979 with a commitment to vaccinate children in the Phillippines. By 1988, 350,000 children a year still were contracting polio.
That's almost 1,000 children a day. Think about the devastation. Think about the children, he said. We must do it because we promised the children we would do it.
India is the latest country to be declared polio free, and Nigeria may be next. While the success is celebrated, isolated cases have been reported in Africa, Ethiopia and Syria in the past few months.
I'm still convinced that success is achievable, Germ said. We have to continue the fight.
Tennessee Rotarian John Germ speaks to Norman Rotarians
Germ shared with Norman Rotarians the updates of Rotary's mission to eradicate Polio. He serves on the International Polio Plus Committee and is Vice President for RI in 2012-14. He was recognized in 2013 by the White House as a Champion of Change for his many years of service to numerous community and volunteer organizations.
Terri White, Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Commissioner, and Durand Crosby, Chief Operating Officer of the Department, presented the organization's role for Oklahoman's well-being. White serves as CEO for one of the state’s largest agencies and is a passionate advocate for individuals experience mental illness and addiction. She was appointed by Gov. Brad Henry as the first woman to serve as Oklahoma Secretary of Health.
Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Presentation
2013-2014 RI President Ron Burton talks with Wally Kerr and Russ Daveron.
February 5—Ron D. Burton, ”Being President of Rotary International”:
A Rotarian since 1979, Ron D. Burton is a member and past president (1983-84) of Norman Rotary Club. He has served RI as district governor, Council on Legislation representative, International Assembly group discussion leader and moderator, zone trainer, Rotary information counselor, committee and task force member, RI president’s representative and aide to the RI president. He also chaired the 2011 New Orleans Convention Committee. Ron served as RI President 2013-14. He is the recipient of many RI and Rotary Foundation awards in recognition of his many contributions to Rotary
Thanks Ron for sharing your experiences as RI President
The club’s annual Four Way Test speech contest is this week’s program. Students from area high schools will be speaking on this year’s contest topic “How can Rotarians use the 4-Way Test to Light up Rotary?” The club presentation will be videotaped and sent to the District for competition at the District Conference in April. The District 5770 Champion will receive $500 at the Saturday luncheon of the District Conference.
Please join OU Rotaract for our 4th annual PolioPlus Banquet! Our special guest and speaker this year will be Michael McGovern, Rotary International Trustee and PolioPlus Chair. All proceeds from the event will be donated directly to help fight polio.
Norman Rotary will have an active member recognition session this week as we induct four new members, have a member exchange heir red badge for a blue one and a couple of Paul Harris Fellow recognitions. Dr. Z has arranged for Christmas music to be provided by Nicole Robertson, John Morrow and Rodney Westbrook. Dr. Z says, “Get ready to sing-a-long with your holiday favorite songs!!!”
December 18—Third Thursday Club business and Holiday Entertainment:
Andrew speaking December 11 on “Careers in the Department of State”:
Robert B. Andrew is the Diplomat in Residence at OU and, as such, is a recruiter for the U.S. Department of State for the Central Region. This includes the states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and South and North Dakota. He is a Foreign Service Officer in the U.S. Department of State. Before becoming the Diplomat in Residence, Robert was the Political Section Chief at the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden from 2011-2014. In that capacity, he reported extensively on Sweden’s evolving relationship with NATO as well as Sweden’s leading role in the European Union’s outreach to Eastern European countries. Prior to the posting in Sweden, he served as the Deputy Political Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in San Jose, Costa Rica from 2007-2010. In this capacity, he worked closely with Costa Rican authorities to help train and equip their police force to combat drug trafficking. As the political-military officer at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow from 2005-2007, Robert reported on Russia’s defense and security policies. He also served in several capacities within the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, Mexico from 2003-2005. Before joining the Foreign Service, Mr. Andrew was a U.S. Army officer from 1989-2002 Born in Norman and raised in Northern California, he has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from California State University, Chico and a Master of Arts in National Security Affairs from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. Robert is transferring his Rotary membership to Norman Rotary from the Stockholm International club.
District 5770's Foundation Chair, Glenda Thomas, gives the club the run down on how our donations to the Rotary Foundation helps abroad, but also comes back to help locally. Thank you Glenda!
Cheryl Parsons (center), with Kathey Drummond and Judi Knapp, was the club's first woman member and woman president of Norman Rotary. Glad to have you back for a visit! 10/16/2014
Rob Andrew exchanges a Rotary flag from Stockholm International Rotary Club with president, Mariann Lawson. Rob is one of our club's newest members. He is a Foreign Service Officer with the Department of State at OU. Welcome Rob!
The Rotary players put on a show for Rotary's Annual Fruit Sale that raises money for Norman non-profit agencies. From left: Steve Koranda, The Godfather; John Waller, Genie with the light brown hair; Randy Richison, fruit sale chair; Karena Crawford, chorus; Vic Rose, chorus; Dick Krenek, chorus; Barb Burcham, Godmother; Sheri Shoemake, I Dream of Jeanie; and Sheri Lashley, piano.
Rotary Annual Fruit Sale Skit - I dream of Jeanie 10/16
Rotaract Chair, Dennis Brigham, took OU's Rotaract students to the Balloon Festival in Albuquerque, NM to meet other Rotaract students.
"I taught I taw a Rotaract." "I did! I did see a Rotaract!" exclaimed Tweety.
Dennis and Rotaracts
"This was a cool moment. I was behind the basket shooting up into the balloon and the pilot walks around the corner and says, "bah! that's not the shot!" he then grabs me by the arm and leads me around to the top of the balloon, rips open a flap and says, "that's the shot!," - Dennis
The Rotaractors couldn't believe they were allowed to paint on it... and even questioned me sternly about it. Seeing the big grins on their face as they painted to the last drop convinced me that stopping here was a good idea - Dennis
Dr. Dave Sabatini with OUWaTER Center, along with PhD student Teshome Lemma and visiting professor Dr. FelekeZewge talk about their project of providing safe drinking water in Rural Ethiopia.
August 14 meeting was chalked full of more good things we get to experience as Rotarians
Rotary club check was given from the Le Tour de Vin proceeds presented by President Mariann Lawson and Joe Gill, Norman Cross Timbers Rotary Club member, to Katie Fitzgerald, Executive Director of the Center for Children & Families, Inc.
National Guard Commendation – fellow Rotarian Phil Cotton is at the podium as his daughter is making a presentation of a commendation from the National Guard recognizing us for all that we did to assist with the deployment of the Lexington National Guard Unit. She is pictured with Don Adkins and Mariann Lawson.
Welcome new member Dan Schemm! He is with sponsor Randy Laffoon.
Welcome another new member Karen Renfro! Sponsor Eric Melton is presenting her with her Rotary badge.
Le Tour de Vin check presentation, 2 new members, and National Guard Commendation
Just returning from his year as Rotary International President, Ron Burton swears in new Rotary Club President, MariannLawson, making it a very special occasion for all.
Ron Burton shares his travels abroad as RI President and engaging the club as Rotarians and a newly elected board. Welcome back Ron!
Lori Cornelson and Randy Laffoon (center) are recognized for their years of board service by Andy Rieger and Don Adkins. Thank you!!
Mariann Lawson addresses the club on her vision as incoming president.
Passing the gavel - Thank you Andy! Welcome President Mariann!
Rotary International President Ron Burton was on the stage inside the opulent Rashtrapati Bhavan complex in February when India became the latest country to be declared polio-free. Beside him were India's prime minister, the minister of health and various other national and world dignitaries.
He brought with him Rotary International's highest award, the Award of Honour, for Shri Pranab Mukherjee, the President of India. The event was attended by thousands and broadcast throughout the nation.
"At the end of the ceremony he came straight over to me and shook my hand and thanked me," recalls Burton. "This was the president of India."
Burton, back in Norman this past week after a year as president-elect and then his presidential year, said he had to remind himself it was about Rotarians worldwide. He became immediately recognizable to members of 34,000 clubs worldwide. His signature added thousands of dollars to charity auction items. Shirts, soccer balls and books arrived daily for him to autograph. "I could walk into an airport and people would recognize you, he said. At the convention, they treat you like a rock star. It can be a big ego trip but you have to remember it's not about you. It's about Rotary International."
He retired as head of the OU Foundation and Jetta retired as a public school teacher. The year took Ron and Jetta Burton around the world, attending hundreds of Rotary functions. This past week, they bid goodbye to the Evanston, Ill., headquarters staff of 650, packed and locked the condo door and pointed the car back to Norman.
"Living in a high-rise is nice but sometimes it's nice to walk out in your grass in bare feet," he said. In Illinois, they missed chicken-fried steak and Mexican food but loved Chicago pizza and Italian food. They soon discovered there were no Braums ice cream stores. In Norman, they can do just about everything they need within two miles of their westside home.
As Rotary's president and first lady, travel was a constant. They were on the road about 250 days. During the bedlam football game, they were in South Korea listening to the end of the game at 3 a.m. As president-elect in 2012, he was amazed at the world interest in the U.S. presidential election. "It's amazing how the world is attuned to what is happening here politically," he said.
World eradication of polio remains a top priority. It's down to just over 100 cases in three countries Pakistan, Nigeria and Afghanistan. A few outlying cases have popped up this year, mostly due to travel.
"We're going to continue to have those until we beat this thing and that's going to happen soon." His goals for the year were to grow membership, contributions and family involvement. He believes membership is up by about 35,000 members to about 1.2 million. Contributions to the Rotary International Foundation's largest donor category are up.
Back in Norman, he'll be back to attending his own home club gatherings at noon on Thursdays and Jetta to hers on Tuesday evenings. He'll remain involved in Rotary International but gets a year to wind down.
"We always said we just wanted to leave the wood pile a little higher when we left and I think we did. It's just been an incredible year."
Blake Wade of the American Cultural Center makes a compelling speech about the need to provide the funds to finish the center and make it an icon of Oklahoma's history and culture.
Legendary Oklahoma Meteorologist Gary England will visit the Norman Rotary Club on Nov. 14. He is retiring from his day-to-day duties at Channel 9 in Oklahoma City but will remain part of the station's management. He served as grand marshal of this year's University of Oklahoma Homecoming Parade.
Meteorologist Gary England visits Norman Rotary Nov. 14
Rotarian Dr. Bill Blum presents Paul Harris benefactor certificates to, from left, Bob Danner, Richard Krenek and John Waller at the Oct. 17 meeting of the Rotary Club of Norman. Photo by Judi Knapp
Paul Wolf, President of OU Rotaract Club, presents District 5770’s Governor Terry Godfrey with $2,500.00 the Rotaract Club has raised for The Rotary Foundation’s Polio Plus effort during Godfrey’s club visit to the Rotary Club of Norman. OU Rotaract would also like to thank Dean Joe Foote for being such a gracious host to their meetings and Dr. Leon Price for his tireless efforts with the club.
Rotary District Governor Terry Godfrey from Cyril, second from left, is greeted at the Norman Rotary Club meeting Oct. 3 by, from left, Past District Governor Phil Moss, Assistant District Governor Carter Waid of Waurika and Past District Governor Don Adkins. Adkins and Moss are members of the Norman Rotary Club.
LISBON, Portugal — At the end of the 104th convention of Rotary International, incoming president Ron Burton and his wife, Jetta, were escorted away from the throng of wellwishers to a corner of the massive auditorium where a group of Oklahomans had VIP seating.
They wanted their photograph taken with the nearly 30 Oklahomans who waited patiently for the end of the final session and concert.
“Thank you all for coming so far,” Burton said. “This is really exciting for us.”
Local clubs represented included the Norman, Norman Sooner and Norman Crosstimbers clubs as well as Rotarians from Ada, Pauls Valley, Cyril, Purcell and Oklahoma City. Jetta Burton is a member and former president of the Norman Crosstimbers Rotary club.
LISBON, Portugal — Immediately after giving his first speech during Rotary’s 104th International Convention here Tuesday afternoon, Norman’s Ron Burton was descended upon like a rock star after a sold-out concert.
Speaking dozens of languages, Rotarians rushed the stage to have their photo taken with and shake hands with the incoming president of the 1.2 million member organization. Convention attendees handed over presents, banners and business cards to Burton who seemed to take it all in stride.
“I don’t mind having my picture taken with folks now because in two years no one will want their picture taken with me,” Burton joked at a luncheon in his honor. “As we say in Oklahoma, I’m going to ride this horse as far as we can go.”